Erm.. excuse the ladies, the inspirational works listed below might not be of interest to you but for us guys, we need to see these kind of works to further enhance our drawing skills in female figures. As far as proportion in drawing is concerned, female bodies is considered one of the hardest to achieve perfect proportions, the list that I’m mentioning below will not only focused on the physical aspect but will serve as an inspiring list as well.
You might noticed many works from the same artist, some are fan art, some are anime-inspired while some are western. but who cares, It’s the beauty of the piece that’s important…nuff said.Gentlemen, take a deep breath..
CG Girl 49
by *iDNAR
by *iDNAR
CG Girl 34
by *iDNAR
by *iDNAR
by ~raynkazuya
by ~raynkazuya
CG Girl 38
by *iDNAR
by *iDNAR
CG Girl 40
by *iDNAR
by *iDNAR
New Change
by ~WarrenLouw
by ~WarrenLouw
Racing Girls
by =reiq
by =reiq
Aren’t you inspired yet? What’s your favorite piece? I might be putting a part two of this list and will do some more research, that is if the comments would reach a hundred. How I wish it would get up that high ^_^’
Thanks for the list. I have checked them and really they are the most beautiful female illustrations.
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